Cargo operator presents PPE to Dubai as a thank you for police efforts

The regional office for the Gulf US cargo operator National Air Cargo has been so impressed with the support of Dubai Police during the coronavirus pandemic that it has donated 100,000 masks and gloves for distribution to the frontline health and safety teams and support personnel in the emirate.
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Jacob Matthew, President of NAC which runs its regional operations from the Dubai Airport Free Zone (DAFZA), expressed his overwhelming appreciations for the outstanding services provided by the authorities to people in the emirate during the lockdown period and the extra efforts made to normalize business operations.
NAC operates on-demand cargo, passenger charter and scheduled passenger services from its hub at Orlando Sanford International Airport and has been instrumental in the transport of essential equipment and medicines worldwide since the onset of the global lockdown in March via the DWC operation.
“We are donating the PPEs as a token of our appreciation for the sacrifices made by Dubai’s finest,” Matthew said


Jacob Matthew, President of NAC, Alan White, Vice President of NAC, Retd Major General Mahesh Senanayake and Youssef Beydoun presented the truckload of safety personal protection equipment to Major General Abdullah Hussain Ali Khan, Brigadier Dr Abdulla Al Raeisi and Major Dr Mansour Al Mulla at the Dubai Police Headquarters.