AACO's annual assembly to be behind closed doors

The AACO 53rd AGM due to be held in Beirut on 28-30 October 2020 will now be behind closed doors.
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Abdul Wahab Teffaha,secretary general of the Arab Air Carriers’ Organization (pictured left)  said: "In view of the current situation and the possibility that some restrictions on travel and gatherings may still be in place in October, it was decided that AACO will convene the 53rd AGM to address in a closed session for member airlines only, the statutory issues that are required by our Articles of Association, and hence, cancel the plans of convening a full-fledged AGM in Beirut this year.

"Unfortunately, this is the first time in the history of AACO that we resort to such a measure. But, it is also the first time that our industry faces such a global and deep crisis. 

We value our partnership with you very much, and we hope that we will be able to continue to strengthen the partnership in the years to come.

"We also hope that we will be able to meet in person sooner than later when the inevitable normalcy comes back to the world and our industry."